Conserving electricity reduces consumption of energy (Energy is the power to do work) and thereby saving energy costs.

The electricity that you use predominantly come from natural resources which is fossil fuels and are non-renewable. Hence, energy efficiency is widely hailed as a key component in extending the availability of the fossil fuels.

Consuming less energy has a many more other clear benefits too.

    It allows people, governments and businesses to save money.
  • It lets power plants avoid costly upgrades.
  • It will result in less carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere and slow the global warming.
  • It will reduce air pollution.
  • It will help reduce water pollution.
  • It will help retain the environment habitable.

As a result, many companies and other organizations are researching ways to conserve and electricity and save our planet earth.

People do not want to change their lives too much to respond to global warming, and better electrical efficiency allows people to avoid having to sacrifice while being able to use less electricity. More efficient air conditioning systems have become popular in recent years, and modern refrigerators are more efficient than those used in the past.

Saving Electricity – starts right at your home – because, when you save electricity – then you save not only money but valuable energy resource too.

Energy saved is energy created. Read on to find out easy and practical tips for saving electricity – which you can use day to day.

These tips are not only good for your wallet – but good for the environment too.

These saving tips will help not only to reduce our national energy needs, but also improve the overall standing of our nation by improving its energy security.

While embarking on any conservation program – one has to understand the true meaning of the age old adage “drops of water make a mighty ocean… “


  • Change older and inefficient models of your appliance or gadget, with newer ones for they are more efficient. For example – 15 years ago a 1.5 Ton Air-Conditioner used to draw around 3500 Watts per Hour of electric power and today for the same tonnage of AC, the power consumption is only 1600 to 1800 Watts per Hour, which is almost a 50% drop. Mind you - as days go by and as technologies evolve – appliances & gadgets are getting smarter and more efficient. The same is applicable for lights, fans etc.
  • While buying appliances and gadgets, we are all only considered only about the buying price of the product. It will be prudent to consider the operating cost, which is largely dependent on the Energy efficiency rating. So, the real cost of appliance or gadget is the purchasing cost plus the operating cost – over a period (life of the product). It is especially wise if you would consider these points for appliances and gadgets apart from lights, bulbs or ceiling fans.
  • While buying appliance or gadgets – while it may satisfy your ego to buy a swanky model that costs higher – think twice whether you really can afford it – for apart from the higher cost - they all consume more electricity.
  • While buying appliance or cooking gadgets – try to size your model - appropriate to your requirement. Do not buy extra large or heavy duty models for a small family. Even if the load is less – a heavy duty washing machine will cost higher to operate than a smaller model.
  • Repair leaky water pipes, taps, tanks etc – for a leaky tap that drips a few drops of water per minute may not look to be a big drain – but mind you it wastes many litres of water in a month and this wastage warrants pumping of more water – meaning more consumption of electricity. Wastage of water too cannot be ignored in today’s context of acute water scarcity.
  • Turn power off to all appliances and gadgets – when they are not in use. It is not enough to just to put them in stand-by mode, for they continue to consume small amount of electric power. This is called as vampire power or sometimes phantom load.
  • To identify appliance or gadget that consumes idle or standby power – look for LED or TFT screen displays, Digital clocks, Remote control, Battery chargers etc. A product with any of these listed feature – will most probably have substantial standby power consumption.
  • To prevent heating of rooms in summer – use tinted glass or apply sun control films on glass panes of windows.
  • To prevent over cooling of rooms in winter – use double layered glass panes on windows to insulate the room better.


  • While opening refrigerator door – take care to close it immediately – do not leave it open for long – your refrigerator will lose most of the cooling (the cold air inside the refrigerator will escape)and will have to work longer to bring it back to sufficient cooling levels.
  • Do ensure that the refrigerator doors are closed properly after every time it is opened. To check the insulation of the refrigerator door – place a thin paper across the door and close the refrigerator door – then try to pull out the paper – if you can pull the paper easily, then the insulation is leaky and the refrigerator door may need adjustment – to close tightly.
  • While keeping food in the refrigerator – cover liquids and moist food items in closed containers. This ensures that the moisture released from food items kept in the refrigerator is minimal. High amount of moisture inside the refrigerator compartment will take longer to cool the compartment than usual and this will cause the compressor to work harder, drawing more electricity.
  • If you have a Direct Cool refrigerator – consider defrosting regularly to prevent frost built-up. The compressor will need to work harder to do the cooling – thereby drawing more electricity.
  • Avoid keeping hot (immediately after cooking) and or warm food into the refrigerator.
  • While buying a refrigerator – it is always prudent to buy one that is right for you in terms of usage and running cost. Swankier models with water or ice dispenser and side by side door – while offering conveniences - consume more electricity.
  • Keep your refrigerator to only Medium cool setting. Keep the setting to high cool - Only when needed – that is when rapid cooling is required.


  • While using an air-conditioner if the temperature is kept only at 6 to 8 degrees below the ambient temperature it ensures a reasonable comfort level. For example - If the ambient temperature in the room is 30 degrees Celsius – Keep the temperature setting of AC ONLY @ 24 degrees Celsius for reasonable comfort levels.
  • While using AC ensure that the doors and windows are properly shut – preventing escape of cold air outside and avoiding seepage of hot inside.
  • Do not focus intense halogen lights (which causes heat) on to AC – the thermostat in AC will sense higher temperature and continuously run the compressor – increasing the electricity consumption.
  • Consider using a ceiling fan along with AC that is set at a temperature with the lowest difference from ambient temperature – this will spread the cold air from AC, throughout the room and help in even cooling of the room.
  • If you are living in an independent house – try to grow trees or shrubs around the house – such that they provide shade to the exterior walls of the house, thereby reducing the temperature inside the house – lowering the AC utilization.
  • If you are living on the top floor – consider insulating the ceiling that is exposed to sun – possibly on the exterior or otherwise at-least on the interior, to reduce heat inside the house – lowering AC utilisation.
  • Ensure appropriate sizing of the AC – according to the room size, number of people in the room & entering / exiting the room per hour and also based on the number of doors & windows in the room. It is also appropriate to consider the number of times the doors are being opened.
  • Clean the filters of Air-conditioner regularly to make them more efficient.
  • Ensure that the outdoor unit of the air-conditioner is mounted in a spot where there is no much direct sunlight and related heating. If such spots are difficult to come by, then place a cover for the outdoor unit. However, care should be taken to prevent blockage of ventilation.
  • The thermostat is not a throttle (analogy to the accelerator in a car). Do not set the thermostat to very low settings, while you switch on AC to make the room cold very fast. It does not aid in room getting cold faster and if you forget to set it back higher, then the AC will run extra longer to continue keep cooling the room.
  • Check and clean the cooling coils and fins of the Air-Conditioners periodically. This will make them cool the room faster and thereby be more efficient.
  • Similarly check and clean the Air Filters located inside the Indoor Unit of the Air-conditioner. This will make them cool the room faster and thereby be more efficient.


  • While using Water heater – set the temperature only to medium hot and also ensure to switch it off after use. Keep the setting to Extreme Hot only if the requirement of water is very high in volume and the temperature needed is very hot. For bathing purpose – if the winter is not very cold – reasonably warm water is ideal. Most of the Indian Territory is plains – and this is applicable for these regions.
  • While using water heater – take care to take shorter showers, rather than an elaborate one.
  • Use a water heater to bathe only during winters. Desist from using water heaters in summer.
  • While using Washing machines or Dish washers – take care to load the appliance to full load every time it is operated. Do not operate on part loads.
  • Try and use Front Loading Washing Machine (Horizontal axis cloth washers) as they are considered to be energy and water efficient.
  • Try and shift usage of heavy power consuming appliances to off peak timings (off peak times: 12 hours window beyond 9 pm unto 9 am). This will avoid overall strain on the utility – thereby improving voltage – thereby reducing current consumption by the appliance or gadget – reducing your overall electricity bill.
  • While using washing machines – select longer wash / rinse cycles only when there is a requirement. For regular clothes – which are less soiled medium or even low wash / rinse cycles are enough.
  • Take care to operate the heater in washing machine - only when needed. Refrain from using heater as default – for all washes.
  • Whenever possible try to air dry clothes. In the Indian context – when the humidity is low for most part of the year – this is appropriate.
  • Look for Energy Star labelling – and ensure that the appliance that you buy has a good rating – this means the product is having higher efficiency.
  • Ensure that all appliances and gadgets are properly maintained for efficient performance. Check the owner’s manual for recommended maintenance.
  • While buying heating appliances like electric iron box, oven, toaster, griller etc – consider buying only the ones that have thermostat for cutting off operation beyond a particular temperature.
  • Do not iron wet clothes.
  • Considering changing your TV to LED type TV for high efficiency.
  • If you are not using an appliance or gadget frequently – kindly unplug it or switch off the electric power supply.
  • If you are not planning to go out immediately after a shower – then kindly refrain from blow drying your hair.
  • Microwave ovens and Induction stoves are more energy efficient that the traditional electric heaters or electric oven / grillers, so adopt them in your cooking.
  • Try to defrost food items naturally over a period of time instead of thawing in a microwave oven.


  • Lighting consumes 10 to 25 % of the total electricity consumed (on an average) in any Indian home. Switching to energy efficient lighting devices - is one of the sure shot ways to save electricity.
  • Shut off lights in rooms which are not regularly used.
  • If you are leaving on a vacation and will be away for a few days – then ensure that you switch off all the lights, fans and gadgets.
  • Use electronic chokes instead of traditional copper chokes.
  • Replace conventional fan regulators with electronic regulators.
  • Study the lighting needs at your home and if possible look for ways to use sensors, dimmers, timers, motion sensors etc to restrict and reduce usage.
  • LED lights are supposed to be good energy savers. Though, they may cost more initially - over their lifetime – they are said to save that extra money spent and even more due to their energy efficiency and extended life time.
  • While planning lighting for a room – plan to have task specific lighting – for example reading light, cooking area lighting, dining table lighting – instead of lighting the entire room – thereby saving electricity.
  • Clean lamp shades so as to allow all lighting to pass through – increasing efficiency - reducing need for additional / extra lighting – reducing electricity consumption.
  • Keep your shades or curtains drawn open during day to let in outside light inside – thereby aiding in reducing the need for lighting during daytime. If privacy is an issue – use light colour and loose weave material for curtains to allow good amount of daylight into the room – which also offers good levels of privacy.
  • Paint the interior walls in lighter shades – so that they reflect the daylight – reducing need for lighting.
  • Earlier bulbs were sold based only on WATTS (which is the energy consumption unit). Nowadays, bulbs have LUMENS (measure of the amount of brightness) too mentioned – look for maximum lumens for a watt – while buying bulbs. So, take care to go through the lighting facts on the light bulb’s packaging.
  • Install lamps at corners of the room for efficient lighting.
  • Try and install ceiling fans that have high energy efficiency ratings.
  • Install the ceiling fan such that the blades are at-least 8-9 feet from the floor.
  • Always try and use a Fan, to circulate the Air more efficiently inside the room. This will aid in maintaining the room cooler and help reduce need for air-conditioning.





We have tried our best to provide accurate and easily understandable information and tips for conserving and saving electricity. We do not claim that the above tips are relevant in all circumstances and also we do not claim that they are sure shot methods to save electricity and may not be exhaustive as we may have left out certain important sections or points in the regard of saving electricity. However, kindly also refer to other recognized sources of information - if you have any doubts or if you feel that any of the saving tip given here is irrelevant, inappropriate or inaccurate. Also consult a professional or an expert in electrical conservation or saving - before you act based on any of the above tips. Also read relevant manuals and instructions of all appliances, gadgets, equipments etc before using them. To the extent permissible by law, we will not accept or be held liable for taking up any responsibility, which will include claims, compensation for any loss, damage or injury caused to your life and or property.

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