Electricity is used by making it to flow through wires to the load (Light / Fan / Appliance or Gadget in domestic context). The size (thickness) of the wire varies with the quantum of electricity carried – that is directly dependent on the load.

Similarities may be drawn between the flow of electricity through wires and that of the flow of water through pipes.

Many problems occur due to impurities in electricity (or lack in quality of electric power) – just as there are problems encountered when water flows through pipes.

Major Power problems are listed below:

SAG: Sag is when voltage of the electricity comes down for few moments – say by about 20 % reduced than the normal. This may be compared with the sudden drop in water pressure while we open the tap – and the water flowing through the tap is a thin stream. Voltage stabilizer is the solution for Electrical Sag.

SURGE: Surge is when voltage goes up for few moments - say by about 20 % increased than the normal. This may be compared with the sudden increase in water pressure while we open the tap and the water flowing through the tap is more than that could be normally handled. A surge suppressor or even a voltage stabilizer is the solution for Electrical Surge.


FLUCTUATION: When electric power Sag and Surge occurs repeatedly the voltage goes up and down. Solution for Sag, Surge and Fluctuation is also a Voltage Stabilizer or Voltage Corrector.

SPIKE: Spike is a momentary sharp increase of electrical voltage, at times it could be even 6000 volts or more, generally caused by lightning. A Spike suppressor / Spike buster is the solution.

NOISE: Electrical noise is created by Radio waves interference and Electro Magnetic Induction (RFI and EMI). Both causes severe damage to sensitive gadgets and also may be an irritant for audio & video reception. The damage due to electrical noise is mainly for the Electronics of the appliance and or gadget. The Electronics is generally referred to as the Micro-Processor or the Mother Board or may be referred plainly as the Circuit. Again, this problem may be compared with the flow of water – while the water pressure is stable – when the water is consumed by humans – due to the impurity or germs in water – severe infection is caused on consumption - causing vomiting or diarrheal symptoms in the afflicted person – many a times leading to severe illnesses such as Typhoid, Cholera etc. Just as - Water has to be purified before human consumption – Electricity too has to be purified before usage. Electrical Line Noise filters solve the problems due to Electrical Noise to a great extent.

POWER-CUT: When the electric supply is fully cut due to various causes it is called Power-cut. It is also a result of very low availability during high demand times (peak time). At times it is done in a planned manner to prevent utility system overload by shutting down supply to certain area and thereby reducing the overall consumption. Many a times power-cut happens in an unplanned manner, causing hardship. An Inverter / Home UPS provide backup power for lights, fans and other small appliances. Offline / Online UPS provide backup power for computers and other sensitive gadgets.

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