For over 30 years now... SINCE 1982, Power Conditioning products, especially – voltage stabilizers sold by us under brand name GUARDIAN... have helped protect Appliances and Gadgets from the vagaries of Electricity, keeping them 100% healthy and thereby enhancing their life, satisfying over 30,00,000 (Thirty Lacs or Three million) users.

After delivering power conditioning products for many decades, we at GUARDIAN realized that apart from Brand Awareness, Brand Recognition, Brand Preference and Brand Loyalty, the most valuable factor in increasing the brand engagement in the consumers mind was Brand Personality. It made brands unique in many ways and helped in carrying the brand message, straight into the minds of the consumer.

Brand preferences arise out of 80% psychological drivers (emotional connect) and 20% physical drivers (product features). We want Guardian to become a brand that means something to the consumers – for, in the long run - only such brands win.

Therefore – we decided to give a new face to our products and services, by developing a mascot or mnemonic and also give it a name.

We further realized that there are a few important points as listed below that are very crucial while developing a mascot.

  • Many mascots are animals or birds that are personified. We drew inspiration from the evergreen mascots : Duracell – Bunny, Twitter – Bird, Delhi Asiad - Appu etc.
  • Make the mascot bring about happiness. Looking at the mascot one should get a smile on his face.
  • Make the mascot to be lovable – just as the organisation behind the brand.
  • Cartoon format is universally accepted for evolving mascots. They can be made even more eye catching by adopting bold designs and bright colours.
  • Give the mascot a good attitude and personality. The mascot must depict the good attributes of the brand and they must be personified appropriately.
  • The mascot must be agile and depicting action.
  • The mascot should be able to survive time – meaning that the mascot should not look outdated – with a few upgrades now and then – the mascot should fit into any era.

Thus was born THE POWER DOCTOR – a friendly looking Hippo personified in a cartoon format - with an affable smile – with his arms outstretched and eyes radiating happiness & warmth – as if beckoning one and all for a loving hug.

So, what began in 1982 in a small way, has now entered into the fourth decade – and the products that are being cared for by the Power Doctor have all lived much longer – for Guardian’s Power Doctor kept all of them healthy by protecting them from the vagaries of electricity. The Power Doctor has evolved to keep up with the times and he runs abreast with the consistent improvements in quality and performance of the products from GUARDIAN and has many a times given us the winning edge.

The POWER DOCTOR – as the name suggests – epitomizes the expertise of Guardian in designing and developing power conditioning products.

Power Doctor embodies our corporate philosophy of being very customer friendly, engaging, lively and affectionate, always welcoming the customer for a warm embrace and moreover being a doctor specialized in power problems he could be easily identified as a solution provider.

Since Guardian has developed a strong personality in the Power Doctor, it is well positioned for long term success as consumers tend to a deep connect and loyalty towards the brand that has a strong identity or personality.

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